Abhishek Mahadevan Raju


What I do and what I'd like to do!


I’m Abhishek, and I’m a scientist researcher currently working at the Data Ecosystems department in TNO (the applied Research and Technical Organization in the Netherlands).

I work on creating and publishing prototypes and demonstrations related to the following concepts:

  • Data Space implementations in multiple domains (what are Data Spaces? Coming soon in a post!)
  • Privacy-enhancing technology infrastructures
  • Self-sovereign identity integrations in supply chain infrastructures (Digital Product Passports)
  • Smart Industry applications (related to IoT, modelling and monitoring)
  • Semantic models (implementing prototype systems with OWL and SHACL models used for live use-cases)

I’m passionate about the following:

  • Self-sovereign identity
  • Federated systems
  • Zero knowledge proofs and other privacy enhancing technologies
  • Large language models and Generative AI - potentially moving towards AGI

I enjoy exploring potential modern Internet architectures, and often marvel at how we as humans brought this massive digital ecosystem into existence, while recognizing the responsibility we have as its stewards to:

  • increase digital equity to ensure nobody gets left behind
  • reduce abuse, misinformation, censorship and surveillance on the Internet
  • dream up and make read incredible new applications and ideas far beyond the visions of original creators.